Sunday, April 10, 2011

Aqua Tofana

I lost track of people like you about the same time "envelope margaritas" became so popular.
Haiku Envelope Margarita
drink trends come and go
most do not require postage
but alas, some do

Imagine my surprise when I reconnected with people like you at the Quasi-Texas Gymnastic Revue in Corn Springs.
Haiku Corn Springs
make a shame gimlet
and use a glass, not paper
I want it first class

People like you were waiting for me in the parking lot of the Super 8 Motel, wearing masks to make you look like "history cats" or celebrities.
Haiku History Cats
a lot can go wrong
in shipping live animals
cats stacked like cord-wood

Use your thoughts to make sentences in your head. It's like a letter to your mind!

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