Friday, November 07, 2003


"Goes in pretty fast, ya think?"
"Don't know...I can't stand the thought of either of the Seafood Sisters getting milked."
"But Carl really knows how to tug a teat; just gets in there and the moo-juice flows like crazy."
"I'm just worried about Sand-Dabs' nipples...they look really raw."
"Maybe it's time you stopped thinking about bovine ta-tas and started paying more attention to what I'm holding here in my hand..."
"Sure I worry about Sand-Dabs and Ms. Prawn...but you would too if you spent as much time as I have making patterns to sew the extra sack-cloth into supportive udder slings..."
"Take a look ever seen something like this?"
"I just want to live in a world where fashion can be used as a weapon against animal cruelty."
"You're one sick son-of-a-bitch. Now watch this!"

Use dairy products that have been exposed to air. You know why!

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