Monday, October 20, 2003


Well it seems like Prissy's flown the coop! That's the charge they're making, Scoop! Tell me now if Prissy's gone because I like to watch her mow the lawn. I thought you'd keep an eye on Prissy, but it seems like you did not. If I'd have kept an eye on Prissy, I would have what she has got. That is what I would have caught--all the things that Prissy bought.
(gets real slow and moody here)
Prissy was great with plants. On important issues she took a stance. And boy, could Prissy dance. Maybe that's why she took a chance and bought a ticket out of town. Maybe that's why she threw the notion of romance back into the face of the funny clown.
(picks up speed; almost frantic now)
Prissy Prissy! Prissy!! Blah blah blah! Busy busy busy! Ta ta ta! I missy missy missy! Lawn lawn lawn! Prissy Prissy Prissy! Lawn lawn lawn!

These nutrients are almost more nutritious when they "rock" out! Quit bathing!

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